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Alem Korkut: Tijelo / Corpus


6 July – 19 August 2018

Museum of Contemporary Art of Istria
CURATOR Mladen Lučić
SUPPORT Administrative Department for Culture of Istria County, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, City of Pula

In the work of Alem Korkut, one of the most important Croatian sculptors of the middle generation, geometric forms discuss with amorphous materials, the minimalistic associativity is in interrupted dialogue with the narrative and the descriptive, movement results as a logical consequence of the sculptural development of form, while construction and deconstruction, as well as physical change of material are the constants of his sculptural expression. These characteristics can also be found in his new cycle, which is by no means accidentally called Body, as in the context of Korkut’s reflection, sculpture is a living, physical being. It, much like the human body, has its development, consistency and its lifetime, and will gradually start to crumble and slowly die under the burden of life. The metaphorical reading of the author’s new cycle touches upon all of the terms using body parts, from terminology in mathematics and philosophy, to military terminology and terminology of social-political institutions. The 12 sculptures in this exhibition speak about the state of the permanent ravaging of fundamental civilisation values, providing symbolic commentary on the loss of monolithic strength of the body of an individual, which helplessly collapses under corporate dictatorship of the powerful.

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