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Stanko Herceg: Photographic Thoughts


Stanko Herceg: Photographic Thoughts
13 July – 8 August 2018
Makina Gallery

Original photographs are created in the eyes and thoughts of the photographer. The camera is there to transform and stylise the author’s experience of reality by turning it into a story and into emotion. By choosing our technique of taking photos, we are actually choosing one of the possibilities of experiencing reality. The black and white analogue photography is stylisation of reality, analogue colour photography is a simulation, an illusion of reality in colour, susceptible to different possibilities of interpretation. So what, then, is digital photography? The intangible photographic record is democratic, spontaneous and quick to emerge, but also quick to disappear. Is digital photography actually a general picture of modern reality, in which the emergence and disappearance of moments, experiences and emotions is an equally as worthy or equally as worthless process? Do we erase all of these with the same ease from our own lives as we do from our cameras? Does digital photography prove that in life it is impossible to keep anything other than our own emotions? Questions and thoughts occur at an incredible speed. By catching up with light, we give our thoughts the opportunity to control it and use it for their own manifestation through photography.

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