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Thursday | 9. May. 2013



The Pula Film Festival invites Croatian producers to apply for the National Programme of the 60th festival as well as for the Shortly at Pula programme that will run from Saturday, July 20, until Saturday, July 27, 2013, at the Arena and the Valli Cinema. The feature-length film National Programme is accepting films lasting over 70 minutes on DCP, 35mm or HD. Films with the Croatian production share or the participation of Croatian artists accounting to over 50%, as well as those financially supported through the HAVC tender as Croatian productions of feature-length films, can apply for the Main Section of the Festival’s National Programme. Films with the Croatian artistic or production share accounting to less than 50% can apply for the Minority Co-productions Section of the National Programme. The Shortly at Pula Croatian short feature film programme is accepting Croatian short- and medium-length films lasting less than 70 minutes.

The producers of finalized films are urged to present their films (or working versions, by April 30 at the latest) to the Festival’s artistic director as soon as possible. Contact:

Producers and directors of feature-length film co-financed through HAVC, as well as Croatian co-producers of feature-length minority co-productions co-financed through HAVC, are obliged to allow public presentation of their films and to apply them for the National Programme of the Pula Film Festival to be showcased without any charges one year from the world premiere or for the world premiere. Films shall not be published on the video or screened on television in Croatia before being presented at the Pula Film Festival.


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