Events overview according to :
Music program
Music program
The City of Pula Wind Orchestra, an integral part of the city life, celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. It gathers musicians of all generations under the professional guidance of Mr. Ante Dobronić and Mr. Branko Okmaca, performing in the country and abroad. Its rich repertoire ranges from film music and classic literature works to marches and contemporary compositions.
An unusual combination of guitar, accordion and tuba, upgraded gypsy swing, seasoned with ethno elements and electronic rhythms, headed by a legend of this region – musician, poet and singer-songwriter Zoran Predin.
Music program
A Slovene punk rock band with career spanning over fifteen years considered one of the best in the region and touring Europe several times each year. Elvis Jackson is a special rock band that has developed its own style influenced by ska, punk, hard core, reggae and metal music. It’s a band that nobody will feel indifferent to.
From the very beginning, in 1994, alongside their primary activity – pop music, they caught the attention of critics and audiences by making theatre and film music. They have made 5 studio albums that the audience has had a chance to hear at live performances and on a number of national films’ soundtracks.
The best known promoter of French jazz in Croatia, the founder of Siscia Open & Blues Jazz, Damir Kukuruzović and his quartet pay homage to the music of Django Reinhardt and Stephan Grappelli, the duo that introduced a new strain of traditional Roma music and the 20th century jazz.
A band with a characteristic punk/ska/reggae sound with an exquisite brass section. A combination of honest bar poetry and auto-ironic humour seasoned with the smell of the Zagreb asphalt and Tomfa’s charismatic voice, twenty-year-old K3p is an eight-member band that produces an explosion of sound and fun.
A four-member band from Rijeka formed in September 2004. The music they create is influenced by a wide array of popular music styles, from rock’n’roll and punk to soul and country music.
B and the Bops is a rockabilly/rock’n’roll band from Zagreb. They mostly perform abroad and their performances are dynamic, energetic and make people want to dance and have fun. This is a concert you definitely don’t want to miss!
Tricky D, originating from Pula, has been a breakbeat ambassador since the early 1990s. He is one of the first Berlin’s underground jungle DJs and activists who performed in most European countries, as well as in Jamaica, Mexico and Columbia, where he also lead different workshops in the ghettos in Bogota. His repertoire at the 60th Pula will be funk, soul and rare grooves.
Music program
The Beatles Revival Band was formed in 1994 as a sign of amazement and love for the music of the unique four-member band from Liverpool. The key players in the whole story are Erik Malnar and Alen Širola from the band Belfast Food from Rijeka.
An audiovisual project that explores the relationship between sound and video and demonstrates the process of creation of an audiovisual composition with the duration of a performance. The project title changes according to the ordinal number of the day of the year of the presentation in order to stress the peculiarity of each performance.