The Mysterious Boy is a story about a resourceful and capable fourteen-year-old Koko who, with some help from his friends, solves a new mystery case. Koko’s friend Tomo has just moved to town and he is eager for adventures. A new pupil with unusual behaviour draws their attention. Together with Marijana, a classroom friend, they reveal his well-kept mystery step by step. Are Koko and his friend up to the task? Will interfering with other people’s secrets jeopardize their friendship? Is the solution far more horrible than they could assume?
directed by Dražen Žarković
written by Hana Jušić
production company Kinorama, Croatian Radiotelevision
producer Ankica Jurić Tilić
cast: Ansoundio Parač, Karlo Maloča, Toma Budanko, Vanja Markovinović, Filip Ružić, Nina Mileta, Kristian Bonačić
director of photography Mario Sablić
editing Slaven Zečević
art design Ivan Veljača
costume design Emina Kušan
music Dinko Appelt
sound Dubravka Premar
make-up Mojca Gorogranc Petrushevska
special effects Branko Repalust, Kristijan Repalust
Monday, 22. July in 21:30, Arena