director: Bruno Mustić
written by: Dario Čaljkušić
production company: Udruga za promicanje filmske kulture Globe Media
producer: Bruno Mustić
coproduction company: Kino Klub Split, Hrvatska
cast: Robert Kurbaša, Darinka Vukić, Ana Gruica, Zrinka Svetić, Vlaho Arbulić, Filip Mayer
synopsis: Music Box is a story about the trials and tribulations in the life of a high school student named Lana. She can’t cope with all that life has in store: problems at home, Dad’s mysterious departure and Mom’s unhapiness. Lana experiences typical teen problems of the heart coupled with issues at school. She sees no other way out but to run away from home.
Friday, 26. July in 17:00, Cinema Valli