Petra is about to celebrate her fifth birthday. What she wants most of all is a dog. A new boy named Karsten comes to her kindergarten and they become best friends. They play together all the time, even when Sigrid teases them about it. Together they meet an abandoned old dog named Bassa that Petra desperately wants to take home. However, that is not possible and Petra gets sad. But, when the day of her birthday arrives, not one but two surprises are there for her.
Arne Lindtner Næss (1944) is a Norwegian director, screenwriter, TV producer and actor who played in a number of popular Norwegian television series, such as Familiesagaen De syv søstre (1996-1999). He is the son of Peder Hamdahl Næssa, a famous national director and screenwriter. He directed as many as seventeen works, among which several TV series, the full-length debut comedy Olsenbanden Junior går under vann (2003), as well as Venner for livet (2005), S.O.S Svartskjær (2008), and Blåfjell 2 – Jakten på det magiske horn (2011).
Tuesday, 16. July in 10:00, Cinema Valli