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Wednesday | 19. June. 2013



Fourteen synopses and screenplays were created as part of the first session of this year’s 9th “2013 Pula Filmmaking Factory”, a sidebar programme of the 60th Pula Film Festival. The workshop was opened on May 31st by director and film pedagogue Igor Bezinović, the leader of “Idea and Screenplay Development”, who familiarized his fourteen participants with the importance of creating and shaping ideas, basic principles for successful structuring of a film synopsis as a key tool for expressing and developing ideas, as well as the basic principles of screenwriting, its key elements, problems and proper development.

The participants could attend either morning or evening workshop sessions. The workshop closed on Thursday, July 6. The attendees created synopses and screenplays for a series of documentaries as well as art and feature films, ranging from political satire and critique of modern society to analysis of art and martial arts (judo and Ki-Aikido). For half of the attendees this was the first filmmaking experience, while the others had already made at least one film during previous workshops. Since the topic of this year’s workshop was “Metafilm”, the majority of the attendees toyed with their ideas, incorporating different metafilm elements into them.

The participants were Tamara Svetek, Diana-Dina Fiamengo, Robin Kostešić, Lara Popović, Olivera Jović, Petar Ćurić, Ivo Lipanović, Aleksandar Jovanović, Sanda Letonja-Marjanović, Ivana-Nataša Turković, Amir Alagić, Ajvi Fištrović, Zlatko Pančić, and Dario Pejić.

Thanks to leader Igor Bezinović there was a novelty in this edition of the workshop – a blog on the Tumblr website on which the participants published their ideas during the process of film creation. The ideas were accompanied by the examples of short and feature-length films, as well as music videos that the leader or the attendees associated with specific ideas. At the same time the blog functions as a metafilm presentation of creating film ideas in this workshop.

Nova TV journalists interviewed Igor Bezinović and the attendees during the first part of the workshop and made a TV reportage that will be aired as part of the show Zapadna strana on Monday, June 10, at 8.30pm.

The workshop continues on Monday at 7.00pm with a free public lecture by Belgrade photographer and director Marko Krnjajić on camera and shooting basics.

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