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Good Night

Student Programme


On a sunny day in Ghana, a foreigner approaches two children and takes them on an unexpected trip. The three of them get along so well that ‘Bogah’, the foreigner, starts to question his initial intentions.

Ghana, Belgium | 2019 | 20’
Original title: Da Yie

DIRECTOR  Anthony Nti | SCREENPLAY Anthony Nti, Chingiz Karibekov | CINEMATOGRAPHY Pieter-Jan Claessens | EDITOR Frederik Vandewalle | SCORE Maxim Helincks & Milco Geryl  | CAST Prince Agortey, Matilda Enchil, Goua Robert Grovogui | PRODUCER Anthony Nti, Chingiz Karibekov | SCHOOL Royal Institute for Theatre, Cinema and Sound, Brussels, Belgium

INTERNATIONAL FESTIVALS Leuven International Short Film Festival (Best Flemish Short), Ghent International Film Festival (Audience Award), Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival (Grand Prix).

Antony Nti (1992) is a student at the Royal Institute for Theatre, Cinema and Sound in Brussels, and is the author of commercials, music videos, and short films, screened at numerous festivals.

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